What moves us

Since 2014, we have devoted much enthusiasm and part of our profits to collaborating with various NGOs that help the children of Uganda.

Our commitment

At the beginning we donated each quarter to a different organization, but when we met Inés, from Help Kids in Uganda, we decided to continue with them.

We also collaborate with Life Mughetto to bring European resources to those most in need in Uganda.

We were amazed at how much they were able to do with our money. "

Some projects we are proud of:

  • Daily nutritional meal by sending monthly money to #redstarsschool for 300 children.
  • Construction of a latrine (4 toilets for girls and 4 for boys) and 2 laundry rooms.
  • Purchase of a 16,000 m2 plot of land where corn, beans, tomatoes, cassava and sweet potatoes have been planted. A very nutritious meal for the orphans and extremely poor children of Uganda.
  • 1 water pump with its pipes and fertilizer to be able to irrigate the land. You can see it in this video
  • 1 well of water to drink.
  • Sponsorship of a girl, Jackeline, in a boarding school (secondary school). She wants to be a teacher in the future.
  • Chicken Project, laying hen farm (to benefit the #redstarsschool of Kawoko)
  • Construction of two buildings for 80 orphaned children.
  • Purchase of 34 mattresses for the bedrooms.
  • You help a school in Uganda founded by Arthur Mubirua, which is attended by some 300 children between the ages of 4 and 16, all living in extreme poverty.

Would you like to help us to make a better world?

We invite you to collaborate with us so that children living in extreme poverty can go to school and eat every day.

Here are the details to make a donation with these organizations, in case you want to join a good cause:

Help Kids in Uganda Sonrisas menudas en el mundo IBAN: ES06 0049 5871 4128 1603 2878

Life Mughetto IBAN: ES26 2056 0007 8220 5408 4922 COLONYA CAIXA POLLENÇA

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